Cambridgeshire’s chalk streams are under threat. These rare and precious natural habitats need our help. Make one small change to your everyday water habits and you’ll be a crucial part of our county’s biggest ever water-saving action. 

Together, we can save our chalk streams for generations to come. 



One small change is all it takes

All you need to do is make one easy water-saving pledge and stick to it over the next few months. It’s about each of us doing one new thing, as often as possible, until it becomes a new habit. 

Click on your chosen pledge to sign up, so we can add your saved litres to our collective Cambridgeshire total. 


Get a FREE leaky loo fix

To say thank you for taking a pledge, we’re offering free fixes for leaky loos. 1 in 8 toilets has a hidden leak, losing up to 400 litres a day. It’s easy to test if yours is one of them. 

why chalk streams matter

Join us today and be part of Cambridgeshire’s biggest ever water-saving action, protecting and restoring an English habitat as unique as the Amazonian rainforest or Great Barrier Reef.  

Cambridgeshire’s water problem

Your drinking water is supplied by aquifers, the same groundwater sources that supply our chalk streams. But climate change and modern water usage are combining to make Greater Cambridge seriously water stressed*. 

*Environment Agency, 2021

We’re saving
water too

Saving water isn’t just something we ask our customers to do. Cambridge Water is on track to reduce leaks by 15% by 2025, with new, even more ambitious targets to follow.