Free leaky loo fix

We’ll help you save up to 400 litres a day

To say thank you for taking a pledge, we’re offering free fixes for leaky loos. 1 in 8 toilets has a hidden leak down the back of the pan, losing up to 400 litres a day and potentially doubling your water bill.

But there’s good news. It’s easy to test your loos for leaks, and if you’ve got one, we’ll fix it for free!

How to test your loo for a leak 

How to get your free leaky loo fix

Just sign up to your chosen water-saving pledge, so we can record your efforts and add your litres to the collective Cambridgeshire total.

We’ll then send you a link to book your free leaky loo fix by a qualified plumber.

Found a leak and already signed up?

Take a look at the emails we’ve sent you since you signed up to your pledge. The booking link is included at the bottom of each one.

Search your inbox for ‘Yes We Cam’ or email if you need help.